
Uptron Powertronics Limited

UPTRON FORBES LIMITED was incorporated under the companies’ act 1956, on the day of 30th April 1977 later under section 21 of companies’ act 1956 and approval of central government changed their name to “UPTRON POWERTRONICS LIMITED” on 18th September 1978.

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Years Experience

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Government Portals Developed

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Years of Experience in IT

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Why Choose Us

One Of The Leading Provider In The State Of Art Products In The Field Of It And Electronics. Specially Hardware, Software, Manpower Supply, Solar, Led And Surveillance System And Training To The Govt. Institutions.

Software Development

Software Development Is The Process Of Designing, Programming, Testing, Bug Fixing And Products That Help Your Business Streamline Processes And Grow Its Revenue.

Solar Power System

Solar energy is the conversion of sunlight into electricity radiant light and heat from the Sun that is using a range of ever-evolving solar power systems use solar technologies.

Education & Training

Education + Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance.Training addresses the increasingly complex relationships between education

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